Activities and attractions

Activities and attractions

For playing outside, the Laurentian region simply has no equal. The waltz of the seasons gives the region its rhythm and outdoors enthusiasts have an absolute embarrassment of riches when it comes to choosing what adventure to do next. In summer, watersports lead the field, with more than 9,000 lakes and rivers to choose from. In fall, a cycling tour or a long or short-distance hike might do the trick, transporting you at the same time into nature’s very heart, in all its fall glory. In winter, some exploring might be nice, this time on snowshoes or cross-country skis, giving us a chance to recall what it was like for the early pioneers as they made their way carefully through snowclad virgin forests. In spring, it’s time for all things to thaw and that also means some heady experiences for those who enjoy whitewater rafting expeditions, or perhaps the excitement of a day’s fishing. The Laurentians region is the outdoors destination « par excellence ».

For many ideas and activities to do in the Laurentians, check out our blog!


For 25 years now, the Petit Théâtre du Nord has brilliantly fulfilled the mandate it has given itself to commission texts from Quebec authors and to promote the emergence of up-and-coming creators.


For more details :


Spa le Finlandais is the most diverse spa experience in North America!

Located centrally in the Lower Laurentians just 30 km from Montréal, Blainville is a dynamic municipality renowned for the wide range of activities and cultural, sporting and recreational events it pr

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


More than 6000m² (65,000 sq.


MegaMaze Blainville offers a multitude of indoor activities for children 0-12 years.

MegaMaze is happiness and wonder in all serenity thanks to its safe and airy facilities.

MRC de Thérèse-De Blainville

The Regional Municipal Council (RMC) of Thérèse-De Blainville is located on the North Shore of Montréal.

Follow the Sainte-Thérèse heritage trail and discover the town via the history of its principal buildings. Enjoy a quiet stroll around the streets of the old town.