About Us
Corporate status
Private non-profit corporation founded in 1975 and functioning on the basis of an association of members who join on a voluntary basis and who represent the various tourist organizations in the Laurentians.
- To represent all member organizations in the Laurentians with the express purpose of promoting the interests of the region and our members;
- to bring together and promote cooperation between the various tourism organizations and partners in the region;
- to promote the entire region of the Laurentians and its tourism products;
- to offer tourist information services within the territory of the Laurentians;
- to orient and promote the development of tourism in the region.
Official status
A regional organization officially recognized by the Ministère du Tourisme du Québec as a key consultant representing the tourism industry in the Laurentians and member of the Alliance de l'industrie touristique du Québec.
The major part of our financing comes from our members and we also receive support from the Ministère du Tourisme du Québec.