Where to stay

Where to stay?

There is a broad selection of accommodations for your stay in the Laurentians. Bed-and-breakfasts, inns, hotels, and motels are ready for you. Cottages, condos, outfitters, and campgrounds also offer accommodation options and magical places to sleep. Are you interested in choosing something more unusual? There are so many out-of-the-ordinary ways to spend the night, such as a tree house, a shepherd’s hut, or a transparent sphere!

Because one day is not enough!
Contact us to plan your stay at 1 800 561 6673


Located just one hour away from Montréal along the shores of Lake Raymond in Val-Morin, in the heart of the Laurentians region, Le Couvent is an accommodation that can welcome groups of up to 40 pe


Do you dream of sleeping in a tree house? Live a unique experience and stay in one of the ready-to-camp refuges, perched high up in the trees, right by the water and in a protected park.


2024 : open from May 10 to October 14 



2024 : open from May 17 to October 14 


Open year-round. Rustic winter camping is offered upon reservation by phone only: 1 800 665-6527


Come and experience an unforgettable holiday with your family or friends by renting our high-end log cabins.


2024 : opening on April 26