Where to stay

Where to stay?

There is a broad selection of accommodations for your stay in the Laurentians. Bed-and-breakfasts, inns, hotels, and motels are ready for you. Cottages, condos, outfitters, and campgrounds also offer accommodation options and magical places to sleep. Are you interested in choosing something more unusual? There are so many out-of-the-ordinary ways to spend the night, such as a tree house, a shepherd’s hut, or a transparent sphere!

Because one day is not enough!
Contact us to plan your stay at 1 800 561 6673


The Marriott Residence Inn offers suites to accommodate all tastes and needs. Always included, hot and cold breakfast buffet, as well as free high speed Internet in your room.


Located in Sainte-Agathe-des Monts, one hour north of Montréal, between Saint-Sauveur and Mont-Tremblant. 36 rooms, view on lac des Sables. Our customers have access to: