SHAWBRIDGE STATION | Whether you prefer to enjoy dinner on a Friday night, to lunch on a Sunday, to drink a cold one on the terrace in the afternoon or to celebrate the first ski day of winter... any reason is good to stop by the Station and take a moment to rest. We are waiting for you!
SHAWBRIDGE LI'L SHOP | You're in a hurry, you were just passing by or you already have a very clear idea of what you want to cook for dinner? Takeaway dishes, homemade sauces, casseroles, sandwiches to-go, snacks and ingredients from the garden...we have all of that and more in our Little Shop. Come visit us!
SHAWBRIDGE BREWERY | Even if you can taste the magic that we produce at the Station or the Little Shop, the fact remains that making 4 300 hectoliters of beers a year takes a lot of space and requires a lot of good hearted and hard-working people. Get to know us!